Are you looking for somewhere to serve? Don’t know where to start? Maybe you have some awesome ideas that are percolating in your head? Do you feel like you’re using your gifts and abilities to their fullest potential? Are you missing out on Small Groups and don’t know where to begin?
Our upcoming Ministry Fair will help you find your perfect fit!
On Sunday, March 26th, in between services, we will be having a Ministry Fair! This event will give you a chance to learn about some of the many ways that people in our church community use their abilities to be the hands and feet of Christ in our church, in our community, and in our world. And, even better, it’s a chance for you to get involved and find out more about our ministries and small groups!
But maybe you aren’t sure about where you fit? Maybe you aren’t sure you even want to help? Even if you’re a little uncertain about volunteering or attending a new small group, join us for the Ministry Fair anyway. Working together, we can transform our lives, our church, our community, and our world and help you find the right fit for you.